
Hey there, I'm Rohan! I study Computer Science and Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Tech, dabbling in the arts of silicon sorcery. My passion lies at the intersection of hardware and software, and I'm currently applying that passion working in space technology.

Razzle Dazzle


Aerospace Eng. Intern Lockheed Martin Space Jun. 2022 - Present

Hypersonic Defense, Solar Arrays & Manufacturing

FRC Team 1351: TKO President Apr. 2022 - May 2023

Managed team of 140+ students.

President AMHS CS Club Jan. 2022 - May 2023

Workshop-oriented, with 70+ consistent participants.

ThetaHacks Co-Founder, Co-Exec. Director Jan. 2020 - Present

International hackathon with over 450 participants.

Read my resume for more information!


I also built a Cone Orientation Mapper , among other things.

Check out my GitHub for more!
